new bert and ernie

Bert & Ernie - Sesame Street book: Scared of the Dark - Muppets help kids who are afraid of the dark

Sesame Street: Bert and Ernie Make Shapes

Sesame Street: Ernie’s Band

Sesame Street: Bert's Brother Bart Visits

Sesame Street: Dr. Birdwhistle | Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures

Sesame Street: Ernie and Bert Split Up (1974)

Sesame Street: Adding Song with Bert and Ernie | #ThrowbackThursday

Sesame Street all Ernie and Bert Sketches: Apartment Season 2 Complete Collection (1970-1971)

Sesame Street: Bert's Imagination

Sesame Street: Ernie Tries Oatmeal

Sesame Street: Bert and Ernie Play Name that Animal | Car Game #3

Bert & Ernie - Sesame Street book: Ernie's Big Mess - no monster at the end of this book!

Bert Feels Cold | Sesame Street Classic

Sesame Street: Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures: The Extraterrestrials

Hoe laat is het? - Bert & Ernie - Sesamstraat

Sesame Street: Bert and Ernie's Breakfast Song

Bert and Ernie: More than Friends?

FIT CHECK with Bert and Ernie #sesamestreet

Sesame Street: Wild West | Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures

Sesame Street: Bert and Ernie's Science Experiment

Sesame Street: Bert and Ernie Go Pretend Swimming

Ernie & Bert’s Brainfood Breakfast | Emotional Well-Being

Ernie Has a Banana in His Ear | Sesame Street Classic

Doornroosje - Bert & Ernie - Sesamstraat